Musici Ireland präsentiert "Ireland and America - Ties Across the Atlantic"
Engelbert Humperdinck Saal
Ceiliúradh ar Lá Fhéile Pádraig - Feier zum St. Patrick's Day mit Musici Ireland
Featuring core members of Musici Ireland, this concert highlights the strong ties between Ireland and America as part of our St. Patrick’s Day weekend of events. This concert features compelling works by women that are both relevant to the musical narrative of today, including works by US-American composer Jessie Montgomery and Irish composer Amanda Feery, as well as poignant masterworks from the period of immigration westward across the Atlantic by Antonin Dvorak, Rebecca Clarke and George Walker.
Mia Cooper - Violine
Jane Hackett - Violine
Beth McNinch - Viola
Katie Tertell - Violoncello
Weekend Pass (alle 3 Konzerte): €30
Kostenfrei für Studierende und Schüler:innen des Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium
Tickets hier
"Musici Ireland präsentiert "Ireland and America - Ties Across the Atlantic" ist Teil von Zeitgeist Irland 24, einer Initiative von Culture Ireland und der irischen Botschaft in Deutschland.