Pre-College-Frankfurt (PCF) - certified study preparation

Pre-College-Frankfurt is a certified and modularized program in which students are prepared for entrance exams for professional studies in the artistic, music-theoretical, pedagogical or organizational area at music colleges and conservatories. The program consists of intensive instrumental, singing and theory lessons after passing the entrance exam. It is a full-time program (accompanying the school, e.g. in cooperation with Musterschule Frankfurt). According to the "European Qualifications Framework", the content and skills taught at PCF are at Bachelor's level (EQF 6); the creditability of the learning outcomes for further education and training is given.

The following offers are part of the program:

  • major course
    instrument (flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, violin, viola, cello, double bass, piano, organ, recorder, guitar, harp, drums, harpsichord, jazz piano, jazz strings and wind instruments , jazz rhythm instruments) / singing / jazz singing / elementary music pedagogy / composition
    + minor subject
    Applicants for “Elementary Music Pedagogy/Music Education” in Pre-College state their instrumental, vocal second subject with their registration. 
  • Listening training, composition, music theory / jazz listening training, theory of harmony and theory
  • Music in practice
  • Culture and music history
  • Music in the ensemble


The minimum time to obtain a certificate in pre-college is two semesters. A longer duration of the training can be agreed on request.

Conditions for registration

There is no age limit for admission to Pre-College Frankfurt (PCF). The requirement is to pass an entrance exam.

  • Main subject: two works of medium difficulty from 2 epochs or 2 works, one of which touches on the technical and the other more on the musical design issues. Sight reading of an easy piece.
  • Singing major: recital of songs and arias from different eras by heart, including 1 piece in German; sight singing; The Conservatory reserves the right to request the submission of a current phoniatric certificate from an ENT doctor (specialist in phoniatrics).
  • Minor subject: Performance of two easy pieces from different eras. In the case of outstanding performance in the main subject, an examination in the minor subject can be waived.
  • Theoretical examination (oral): Knowledge of elementary theory (intervals, chords, inversions, scales, keys, etc.); Sight reading, repeating, rhythmic clapping.

Conditions for elementary music pedagogy

  • interview with the applicants
  • entrance exam for the minor subject/theory: like above

Conditions for jazz

  • Preparation and presentation of two jazz standards (major and minor subject)
  • Oral theory test on knowledge of jazz scales (blues scales, etc.) and jazz chords (e.g. listening, recognizing and singing maj. 7th chords)

Conditions for composition

  • Submission of three own compositions in as different instrumentations as possible.
  • Ear training test (intervals simultaneously and successively; chords; two-part free-tonal; sight-singing of a free-tonal sequence of tones).
  • Prelude to a classical piece and a work from the 20th/21st Century on the piano, or guitar, or a European orchestral instrument.

End of the program

45 ECTS are achieved in the course of the training. After completing all modules, graduates receive a certificate of completion and individual module confirmations for possible crediting in future studies.


The conservatory charges a tuition fee for these lessons, which is based on the applicable school fee regulations. There is the possibility of being accepted into a scholarship programme.(funding opportunities)


About PCF
Teachers about the Conservatory
Our classes

Registration Form

Repertoire Piano

deadline for application: 
January 10, 2025

Next entrance examination:

February 24. 2025 - February 28, 2025

The Conservatory charges a one-off entrance fee of 50 euros for the entrance exam

Informations on the study plan

Study plan PCF
► Module catalogue PCF
► Regulations for examinations PCF

Expert Advice

Dr. Fabian Rieser
+49 69 212 70175
Tue, 10am - 11am


Sabine Zuleger
+49 69 212 70171
Mon - Wed 10.30am - 12.30pm