Musici Ireland präsentiert "A Mother's Voice"
Clara Schumann Saal
Ceiliúradh ar Lá Fhéile Pádraig - Feier zum St. Patrick's Day mit Musici Ireland
“A Mother’s Voice” is a commemorative dedication to the many women affected by the mother and baby homes in Ireland during the 1900s. Musici Ireland is humbled to present a multidisciplinary production in honour of these women in a collaboration between artists and living survivors to shed light on this veiled era of Ireland’s recent history.
Mia Cooper - Violine
Jane Hackett - Violine
Beth McNinch - Viola
Katie Tertell - Violoncello
Eintritt: €10
Weekend Pass (alle 3 Konzerte): €30
Kostenfrei für Studierende und Schüler:innen des Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium
Tickets hier
"Musici Ireland präsentiert "A Mother's Voice" ist Teil von Zeitgeist Irland 24, einer Initiative von Culture Ireland und der irischen Botschaft in Deutschland.