Ballet Department

The Study Programm of the Ballet Department

The Ballet Department trains young dancers in a multi-level study programme.
All classes take place in the afternoon from 3 pm so the students can attend schools in the morning.
The programme includes:

Classical Ballet Training

Only children with the appropriate physical ability and detectable development of body awareness and musicality are accepted after the entrance examination.
Over the five stages of training, the pupils receive intensive ballet tuition.
The classic academic dance teaching is based on the Waganova method adapted to current stage practice. Over the years, further forms of dance are added: character dance, variations, repertoire. In the first, second and third stage, there are classes twice per week (1.5 hours), up to the age of 12 two to four lessons a week are recommended. 

The pupil progresses to the next class on the basis of his/her performance in the annual tests. Attention is paid to the dance, rhythmic and musical aspects of performance, flexibility of the body and overall physical and artistic impression. Progress to the next level can be threatened by a lack of discipline or absence from the classes.

It is possible to make an appointment for an audition at any time as agreed. 


Age at the time of the entrance examination: 5 years or older
Physical suitability, a talent for dancing, rhythmic talent, musicality and age-appropriate development of body awareness are required.

Entrance examination

As agreed with the ballet directors.
In the entrance examination, the above-mentioned requirements are checked, or in the case of advanced students, the previous dance training is tested.

Please bring suitable clothing:
Leotard or close-fitting dancewear (no jogging suit)

Expert Advice
Dmitrij Simkin
consultation hours: wednesday, 12pm-2pm
phone: 0174 7582096


Target group

Children and young people from 5 to 16

Dmitrij Simkin
Julia Khyutt
Olga Aleksandrova

Registration and information

Ramona Rahn
Tel. +49 (0) 69 212 70177
Mo-Fr 2.00pm - 4.00pm (during term)

Consultation hours

(except for school holidays in Hessen)
wednesdays from 12.00pm - 2.00pm
 +49 174 7582096 (Dmitrij Simkin)

Fees / Terms & Conditions